Über Tiny Blog

Tiny Toilet Talk: Unveiling Our Top 5 Recommendations
After insurance, the question of managing your waste (i.e your poop!) is perhaps the most often asked when it comes to tiny homes…
There are five main options when it comes to choosing your tiny house toilet…
The Best Flooring Options for Tiny House Living: Durability and Style
The flooring material you choose for your tiny homes is one of your biggest decisions.. and it’s a tough one!
You need to consider style, weight, feel under foot, warmth, texture, sound, waterproofness, pet-proofness and general durability. Oh… and cost! Who knew it could get so complicated?!

Tiny House, Big Choice: A Guide to Comparing Tiny Homes
So many tiny house companies have popped up in the last few years, it really has become a buyers market! But with all these options, it’s easy to suffer from choice overwhelm…
How can you possibly choose which tiny house builder to go with, let alone which design?
If you are in the market for a tiny home and looking at several builds and designs then you need to look at more than just the price.
You need to look at what you’re getting for your money.
Here are 10 things to consider to help you find your way through the maze of decision making…

How Living Tiny Could Change Your Life Financially…
Tiny homes have become a popular housing solution in recent years, offering various financial advantages for individuals and couples seeking a more affordable, environmentally sustainable and minimalist lifestyle. This article explores the financial case for buying a tiny home for homeowners seeking passive income….

Freedom on Wheels: Safely Delivering Your Tiny Home
One of the best things about a tiny house is it can be moved! This gives you so much freedom… freedom to change your view, your neighbours, the state you live in… freedom to completely change your way of life! The delivery of your tiny home to it’s parking spot will be one of the most exciting days of your tiny house journey. But it can also be one of the most stressful…build with us and it won’t be…

Outside the Box: An Alternative to Insuring Your Tiny Home
Possibly THE most asked question on Tiny house Facebook groups is… ‘what insurance company actually insures tiny homes?’. The answer is a little tricky as it depends on the home, the insurance company and sometimes even on who answers the phone!

Tiny House, Big Power! Embrace Off-Grid Living with Solar Trailers
You've found your perfect parking spot for your tiny house. But there's no power. What now? If you need to go off-grid with your tiny, you’re going to need a power source and living in Australia, solar is the perfect choice! You may assume you’ll need to put a bunch of panels on your roof but there is another option that makes a lot more sense…

Tiny House Poop Management: A Review of the Separett Toilet
One of the most common questions people ask when thinking about going tiny is ‘what do you do with your waste?’. One of the most popular toilet options available and one we use regularly on our builds is the Swedish designed and built Separett toilet. Here is a review…

Our 4 Favourite Interior Styles for Tiny Houses!
There are certain interior design styles that really suit tiny homes more than others. Our favourites are Scandinavian, Wabi Sabi, Japandi and Aussie Coastal. All four approached favour clean, minimalistic lines, are generally light in colour and embrace natural elements and textures. This works really well in a tiny house. It creates space, warmth, cosiness and a seemless blending with the natural environment. So lets briefly check out these four styles…

8 Design Tricks for a More Spacious Tiny Home
We’ve all seen tiny homes that look like claustrophobic rabbit warrens or just long, skinny corridors while others look and feel super spacious. They have the same dimensions, the same storage, the same features... so what makes them different? One word. Design.
Here are some tiny house design tricks that will help your home feel spacious from the inside, out…

Tiny House Lofts Unveiled: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Design Hacks
When the tiny house movement began, it was all about the loft bedroom. The houses were really, really tiny so the only place to put a bedroom was in the roof, and usually a cute little pitched roof. This was part of the appeal... it reminded many an adult of their childhood cubby or tree house and the excitement of having a sleep o

3 Reasons to Feel Optimistic About Finding A Tiny Home Parking Spot…
It’s been about 10 years since the Tiny House movement began in the U.S. These days, everyone knows about tiny homes, most people love them and more and more people want to host them. So here are three reasons you should feel optimistic about finding a parking spot for your tiny home…

7 Things to Love About Living Tiny!
I’ve lived in a tiny house for 8 years now and absolutely love it. I love everything about it. I can barely think of a day I haven’t loved it… except maybe after 2 weeks of solid rain, suffering from a small case of cabin fever.